Nairobits Trust
Student Portal Concept

My Role




Nairobits Trust was going through a phase of rebranding their existing website and they were looking for how to make their website interactive for their existing students and also new audience.

From the research held the opportunity area we saw was to have a student portal, a way that could also shape how our students learned moving forward. The portal would be useful for students, trainers and also admin staff in the organization. It would also be helpful in creating donor-reports, and doing follow-ups with our student alumni’s after their training period ends.


As the project lead, I looked into existing portals of students like, google classroom, university student portals and see if there was things we could borrow and also improve on and make our student portal better for our students. We took the direction of having a student view and an admin view.

Student view

Design Direction and User Journey Flows

I looked into key areas that we wanted to focus on from the student portal, and from the research done, the following is what I suggested, which I saw covered the key areas of what the trainers, staff and students wanted and suggested. 
The project didn’t go live because we had to shelve it for lack of funding for developing it. Below are the user journey flow for students and also admins (staff and trainers)

Admin view